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Size guide

Size conversion chart

Find the right size for you in the table below.

UK (Homme)6788,591011
UK (Femme)2,53,54566,5
US (Homme)7899,5101112
US (Femme)456789

How to measure your feet

Follow the steps below to easily determine your shoe size. Ideally, this should be done during the day or at night for a more reliable result (feet tend to swell during the day).


Step 1
Place a blank piece of paper under your feet. Stand up straight and press your heels lightly against a wall.


Step 2
Have someone mark the paper with a pen or pencil at the end of your longest toe and the back of your heel. Then measure the length of your foot.


Step 3
Repeat this procedure for the other foot and compare your measurements with our size chart.